Sabzan Chromite mine (Faryab City)
Location of the Mine
Chromite Quarry is located near Sabzan Village, Faryab City, to the south of
Kerman Province which is very rich in chromite compared to any other region in
the country. Shahab Sang Mining Industries acquired and began the
exploitation of this Quarry in 2004. It supplies a limited amount of chromite
and is at the same time under exploratory studies. The exploitation permit of
the Quarry allows a capacity of 5,000 metric tons a year to be produced.
Geological Characteristics of the Mine
Sabzan Chromite Quarry is located on the Iranian ophiolitic belt, home to ultramafic rocks which are of
considerable potential to accommodate the chromite ore. The Quarry is
characterized by different shapes of its chromite bodies (i.e. lens- or vein-shaped
Quarry Products
The chromite ore extracted from the Sabzan Chromite
Quarry enjoys a high degree of purity (over 38%), and this makes the extracted
chromite suitable to be consumed in relevant domestic and/or foreign
industries. Sabzan Quarry has been planned to be exploited through open-pit and
underground methods. Having been extracted, chromite bearing stones first go
through preliminary preparatory operations including selective separation and
purity-improving processes and then are marketed.
Quarry Office
Opposite Farmandehi
Entezami e Faryab, Group 2, Faryab, Kerman Province.